18/05/2020 - 22/05/2020
¡Buenas familia! Espero que tengáis mucho ánimo y siga todo bien. "A veces es necesario que algo se quiebre para que algo nuevo pueda surgir".
Y por fín llegamos a la última semana del trabajo "Mask". Durante estos días los peques podrán pegar las piezas entre sí y una vez seco todo, quien quiera lo podrá decorar a su gusto cuidando siempre el material previo (01.02.05).
All the English explanation for kids:
Step 1: Look at the masks' picture. These are just some examples.
Step 2: Now it's time to think about yours; how do you want to do it? Big, small or maybe huge? funny or horrific? nice or spooky? You can do it as you want!
Step 3: Look for and find some pieces of carton. Keep them.
Step 4: Cut and make some pieces using cans, tins and bottles as
stencils (03.01.02).

Step 5: Continue collecting carton pieces.
Step 6: Go on making those pieces using objects as stencils that you can see around your home. More examples: a plate, a cup, a bottle, a bucket, a bowl, a bin, a cylindrical money box...
Step 7: If the carton is too thin, you can overlap some pieces sticking them together (02.05.01).
Step 8: Colour all the carton pieces.
For the last week:
Step 9: Stick them together.
Step 10: Finally, decorate your mask carefully (01.02.05).
I'm waiting for your homework!
Envíos a: ceipgm6b@gmail.com
IMPORTANTE: Necesito saber en cada trabajo enviado si me dais el consentimiento para una posible publicación de este.
I hope you'll be over the moon.
#respectdistances Silvia S.M.
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